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Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I am 22 years old and I still believe in pranking.
Some of you may think its childish, but I think it is the most fun and brings people together.
Disagree, but I think I'm right.

One of my favorite pranks would be prank calling. My two best friends and I would spend hours prank calling people. We would be laughing so hard that we could barely get through the call. Let me just tell you, when you get prank called its more enjoyable for both parties if you just play along. The people who don't will probably keep getting prank called to annoy them. We, however, only called the people we knew would make it entertaining for us. If you have never prank called, use an accent to disguise your voice and think of the most ridiculous things to call about such as: gypsies, vampires, etc. 

A second weird prank was coning people. In high school, I stole cones for some weird reason and most people knew that. I'd be walking through the hallway and someone would run up to me with a cone to add to my collection. In college, we attempted to steal some cones and put them all over our friends yard. It was my 21st birthday and that's how you have a good time when you go to a school that allows no drinking. One thing to know when you prank is that you need to be conspicuous and stealthy. I was not that. We decided to drive around campus collecting cones and left them in my car overnight. Campus Police was very good at their job and documented the cones in my car with pictures:

And while I probably shouldn't brag about this, I created a really good story that resulted in no fines for me.

Finally, pranking is a necessity as a camp counselor. The last week I worked at camp we had plenty of time to think of different ways to prank each other. One of my favorites was finding out a co-counselor had taken my toothbrush and toothpaste and frozen it in water. It took a whole day for that sucker to unfreeze.

I of course got him back in the middle of a prank by dumping 3 gallons of water on him.

Seriously, I do not believe you are too old to prank. It lightens up the mood and creates fun for most people. No, I am not encouraging you to go gallon-smashing or even t-ping as that can cause some damage. But I do encourage you to have fun, and be creative!

Is anyone else guilty of being a prankster?

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Friday, August 23, 2013

First Kiss

After a very stressful week, I spent a Saturday afternoon reading blog posts just to relax and make me laugh. I found a post about first kisses and I love it. It of course took me back to mine and you've guessed right. I am going to share it with you!

Let's just say I've always been a little boy-crazy. Since I can remember, there was always a boy I thought was cute or was pining after. With that said, I made it to age 18 until I had my first boyfriend and first kiss. Pretty impressive if I say so. We met on facebook and slowly realize we had both gone to the same high school at one point and he knew my best friend. So we eventually met and then eventually started dating. 

One morning he came to the prayer group that I led on Thursday mornings and hung out with the group. It was a little awkward because everyone knew he was my boyfriend and it was just a weird place for them to meet him. Now prayer group was at 6:00 a.m. and if you know me, mornings are not my thing...at all! I am still unsure how I led a prayer group each week that early in the morning, but I did it for four years. 

Anyways, its time for us to all head to school and I drove some of the students to school in the morning. So out we go to the parking lot and I turn to say goodbye to my boyfriend. Next thing I know, I am saying see ya later and his lips are on mine. He kisses me and that I turn quickly and finish my sentence. 1.) Because I couldn't believe what had just happened. 2.) Because I felt a little weird that he had kissed me in front of my prayer group. 

I of course started talking more than was necessary and he looked at me, smiled, and said "calm down, I just kissed you, it's okay." And then I believe I blushed and told him I'd text him later. 

Not the most romantic first kiss, but it at least was not completely horrible. Plus, he turned out to be a pretty good kisser!

What's your first kiss story? Was it from the movies? Was it completely awkward or terrible? 
Tell me! I'd love to know!
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Monday, August 19, 2013

What I Love About Me

Can I just tell you how many doubts enter your head when you move?
Well, it's a lot! I have been experiencing a lot of doubt within myself since I've gotten to Washington. I've wondered if it was worth it, if I was crazy for leaving all familiarity, and if I will actually survive for three years by myself out here.

And then there are the days when you just have to be a little self-centered and remember why you are great and what makes you strong. So yes, this entire post is about what I love about myself.
You should try it, it's amazing how it will change your perspective on things.

1.) I love my persistence. If I want something, I work to get it. If I have a dream, I achieve it.

2.) I love my work-ethic. Yes, some may call me a work-a-holic, but I thrive from working hard. I'm willing to give it my all if I am 100% into it. 

3.) My goodness, I love my hair! I am so thankful God knew the type of girl I am--one who has no desire to spend hours to look cute. These locks of wave make my life so much easier and make getting ready to go out simple. Pin it back and I'm done. 

(For example: This date took a total of 15 minutes to get ready. Shower, let hair air dry, and then put some eyeliner on. BAM! Ready for the day!)

4.) I love that I don't deal with the crap. Be dramatic, lie to me, or completely be a mean person--go ahead! I just won't spend my time on you.

5.) I love that I'm a girl who his hips. Yeah, you won't find me in a bikini, but I will rock that one piece like its my job. 

6.) I love that I stand my ground. I've got standards and I've got rules when it comes to dating. Sure, you can try to get past them, but I can guarantee you that there will most likely not be another date in your future.

7.) I love that I can laugh at myself and rock my embarrassment. Just the other day I walked out of the bathroom with toilet paper stuck to my shoe. Oh yeah, I definitely hurried to get that paper off my shoe, but then I preceded to laugh at how funny it was and allowed my face to be red for a few minutes.

8.) I love that I am a people person. It can be exhausting at times, but I love my relationships and enjoy building upon others.

9.) I love my bargain shopping. Three tops and a scarf all for $21. Yes, I should do this for a living!

What do you love about yourself? 
And if you haven't been loving yourself, it is time to start!
Take yourself out to a movie, get that pedicure you've been waiting for, buy that shirt you've had your eye on for weeks now, or just stand in the mirror and admire who you are.

(Sorry ghetto Rachel just came out)
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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My Generation is Leaving the Church

For weeks I have been reading multiple articles about Millennials leaving the church. Basically all of these articles are talking about me and many of my friends. It's hard not to read them because its an older generation trying to pinpoint the reason I left church or why my friends are.  Sure, some of them have some great points, but overall I have been frustrated with the words from them. 

They all have different reasons for why we are leaving:
1.) We are not converted.
2.) We don't have a strong desire to attend church.
3.) We want a church that is more hip for us.
4.) It's the church's fault we are leaving and they've had it coming.

The list could go on and on...but I really don't want to give you a list of more reasons why we are leaving. 

What I really want is to stop being described as a collective and be recognized as an individual. I want the older Christian generation to recognize that they can group us all they want, but it really comes down to our own personal decision to leave the church. Yes, it seems like many people my age are leaving the church, but I am not jumping on the bandwagon because its hip.

 I've left the church because I didn't find what I believe was the body of Christ. 
I left the church because church hurt me. You can read all about that in many of my posts, but to sum it up the church betrayed me. The body of Christ that I grew up with turned its back on me, spread words about my family, and stopped showing me love. 
I left the church because I wanted to discover my own faith personally without people from all sides telling me what I need to believe.

I left the church because I wanted to it. 
Yes, other things pushed me to that decision, but it was my choice. It was not your doing. 
Just like it's your choice to stay, it is also mine to leave.

With the reason I left admitted, I think there is another side that the older generation is missing.
While we are not going to church or being apart of the church, we are still pursuing our faith. 
I am still praying, I am still reading truth, and I am still striving to be like Christ.
I am just doing it outside of a building and I feel FREE!

My generation is still being spiritually fed; we are just doing it in new ways. 
For years, I have heard that I am the generation of change and change is what we are doing.
We are finding fellowship in grabbing coffee and having discussions about our faith.
We are evangelizing by sharing our faith with our friends and allowing each other to have our own opinions.
We are loving people and accepting them for who we are because we are called to love not judge.
We are worshiping while we drive to church, at concerts, or by playing music in our rooms as we study.
We are holding each other accountable via Skype, Facetime, texting, facebooking.
We are still being a body of Christ; we've just improvised the way to do it.

Just because I haven't stepped foot through church doors in months does not mean I am not as strong of a Christian. If anything, I've become stronger in my faith by not stepping through the doors. I've seen God in the people I sit with on the bus, in the people I serve meals to at work, and in the chance encounters I have with people every day.

How about we stop coming up with reasons or ideas of how we can get us back into the church?
Instead, let's continue to encourage my generation to integrate faith into their life in the way they find God most. Let's continue to love each other without having to fit the typical "good Christian" stereotype. Let's just accept each other as we are and leave the big man upstairs to do the judging. 

If you are wanting to hear another millennials thoughts on this matter I very much loved reading this girls insights as well here.
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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Hello Blog World!

Seriously, I have been trying to blog for a week now and it just seems there is no time when you move somewhere new. I have been busy moving into my house, getting a job, and spending time at camp. I am sure you are all just dying to know my thoughts about my move and all it entailed.

I'll break it down into points for you.

1.) I miss my friends and family in Indiana. I knew this would probably happen, but I did not realize how homesick I would get so quickly. Distance makes the heart grow fonder and I am loving my family and friends from a distance so much. Thank God technology is way more developed today than it was ten years ago or I would not be surviving.

2.) I will never ever drive to Indiana from Washington or Indiana to Washington. Three days of driving is horrible. My love for driving is no more. All I want to do is never drive again. (Drama over!) Really, it was beautiful to drive through all the states I had not been in, but it was also hard sitting for hours on end.

3.) I love my house. I cannot wait to post pictures of my room and the new place I call home. I've just been busy with moving in and job searching that taking pictures has really been at the back of my mind.

4.) I got a job! That's right. I was here for a week and got a job. I will be a server at the Cheesecake Factory. No, this does not mean I am going to bring you cheesecake so don't ask. Just kidding, I'm sure I may be nice and bring you a piece! I am excited/nervous for this job. Corporations have not been my favorite, but its worth giving it a try and seeing what happens. I am sure I will have many stories to share with you all on that.

5.) I am now just volunteering at camp rather than working. I needed to find my heartbeat in Washington and working 24/7 was not working for me. It was the best decision I could make for myself.

I cannot wait to share with you more about my adventures here once I get internet in my house and a consistent schedule.

And here's a picture just to remind you of what I see everyday!

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