This year at school I am serving on the leadership staff as what we call a "DC" which stands for discipleship coordinator. A.K.A. bible study leader. I live with all freshman girls and guide a bible study once every week. Was this my first role I picked? No. Was it God's decision? Yes! It took me a while to come to terms with the idea of actually serving in this role as I have had some bad experiences in the past serving in this role, but never the less I decided to follow his call and trust in him all the way.
The first week I met all my girls I had in my mind which girls I would get along with and which ones that I would probably struggle with. It's easy to place people in labels that you have set in your mind. There's the label for people you're comfortable with, people you just don't get along with, people you don't want to hang out with, people who have upset you, etc.
How ashamed am I that I allowed myself to label these girls before I even got the chance to know them? God clearly placed each of these girls on this floor for a reason. They all have different stories and different life paths. Each and every one of them have desires that don't match mine and they are all SO unique. I was so wrong to say that there were girls that I would not get along with. They have ended up being the ones who have touched my heart the most. Maybe that is God's doing, but I have found myself loving each and every one of these girls and we are only two weeks into school.
So I guess the point is to not allow first impressions to lead the way you interact with people. Don't even let the second impression. Allow God to set up interactions with those individuals and let them show you their hearts. You'll be amazed at what you learn!
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