You know the saying, "When it rains it pours?"
Well, that is the title of my life this week.
My computer decided to call it quits for its 17th + time the other night because it hates charging thanks to my clumsiness of dropping it on its side three years ago.
My android fell while I was listening to music in the bathroom and part of the screen cracked which now means it will not sense my touch on one half of the screen.
I completely struggled with a homework assignment that ended with a not so pretty word on my behalf.
I tried to be a great daughter and buy my mom an awesome birthday gift, but realized I did not read the fine print and now hate the gift I got her for her birthday.
It is pouring today when I took the time to straighten my hair last night which means hello frizzy, wavy, ridiculous hair.
It really does pour when it rains. I spent the morning calling myself stupid and being so angry at myself and life.
After spending twenty minutes beating myself up for my clumsiness and lack of gracefulness, I quickly sobered up and reminded myself that I have way too much to be thankful for.
I am grateful my parents continue to buy me electronics even though they know I will most likely break them in the long run.
I am grateful for rainy days to water this beautiful place I call home.
I am grateful for bad hair days because it reminds me that my worth does not come from my beauty, but from God.
I am grateful I had money to buy my mom a birthday present this year even if it may not be the best gift in the world.
I am grateful for not always being the perfect Christian and that God still loves me through it all the bad words that come out of my mouth.
I am grateful to realized I can get through life without electronics.
I am grateful for the friends who continue to encourage me through my rough weeks and temper tantrums.
I am grateful to be alive and breathing for another day.
We have so much to be grateful for.
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