It's a new year and it's an even numbered one!
I love even numbers and I feel that 2016 is going to bring great rewards, many challenges, and lots of joy.
I start my internship this year and with that brings up a lot of anxiety within me. I want to learn how to trust myself this year, to be grounded in who I am, and to believe that I am capable and worthy of this work I have been pursuing.
In this past year, I worked really hard to save my money so I could start paying for school out of pocket. When I started, I thought it was impossible but I was wrong. I was able to save $10,000 this year and I only need $2,000 more to pay for my last year of schooling completely out of pocket. Accomplishing this goal has inspired me to continue to save. I will be taking a pay cut this year, but I also know that I am in a place where I do not need more. I love to clothes shop, treat myself to a Starbucks, and shop the dollar section at target. And while I will miss doing those things, my goal is to live simpler and save more. My closet is full, my heart is whole, and I don't need much. My goal for saving this year is to continue to save around $500/month. I have not decide if this will go towards my wedding, my future house, or to apply to my current student loan debt, but either way the money will go to where it is needed most.
I am going to use this formula to help save my money!
And my final goal for this year is my health. I truly felt the benefit of taking care of my health this year and I want to try even harder to meet my healthy goals. More fruits and vegetables, working out at least 30 minutes four times a week, and listening to my body when it is fully, dehydrated, or in pain. While I would love to loose weight, my main goal is to just be healthy and be more conscious of what my body is saying to me.
What are your goals for 2016?