Working at Lummi was such a rewarding week. It was long labor work filled with 6 hour painting days, but we finished two houses and the families were very grateful. I got to spend the week working with 5 other high school students. The students were great and I wish I could have spent longer getting to know them. We had deep talks about relationships and shared each others life stories. The best night of the whole week was Wednesday night. The Bob's, the family we painted houses for, made us dinner to thank us and then we went to the beach to hang out with their grand-kids. After the beach, we had campfire at their house and their great-grandmother shared her families struggles and how they found God in the midst of it. The stories were touching and truly miracles.
I wish I could go into deep detail about the week, but it is an emotional and very long week to share. This was just another week of showing me why I am supposed to be here. I cannot wait to reconnect with all of you at home and share with you the stories of friendships and fun I am creating and having here.
One thing I have learned for sure about myself here: I am terrified of snakes! A kid this week came up beside me and held it in front of me and I ran so fast and broke out into tears. I hate snakes!
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Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Week 6: Bellingham, Washington
What a wonderful week it has been in Washington. It has been rainy, but I the sun has shined in so many ways. I spent my first week at camp as an on-site counselor and God blessed me with the greatest group of girls ever. They got a long, did not fight, and grew to become very best friends. It was a great transition for me into being on-site.
This was a confirmation camp week which means campers came with their church groups and had confirmation class for two hours a day and then spent the rest of the time with the counselors. I was very nervous for this week seeing as I am not Lutheran, but it was not a difficult week at all. We discussed how God thinks we are special in our confirmation groups and learned that there is nothing we could do to make God not love us.
My girls and I spent time laughing and growing together during challenge course and activity time. Monday night we got the chance to dress as super hero's for dinner and we looked awesome. Tuesday was a rough day, but my girls were tough and stuck through it. We spent all day at the challenge course which meant lots of hiking and then we had camp out night (even more hiking). Camp out night could have ended badly since it took Neon and I two hours to get our fire started to cook our dinner, but the girls kept great attitudes and we ended the night singing around our campfire and laughing about counselor codes. Wednesday night involved a game of Biffer which is a game where campers have to find counselor in number order so Izza and I spent the game in a canoe boat in the middle of the field representing the 7th and last counselor. We ended the last night of camp with a game of Commando. In this game, the counselor search out the campers and trying to catch them. All the campers have Cheerios which represent their life and if they get caught the counselor gets to take their life and they have to start over trying to get it from one side of the field to the other. Also on Thursday, the staff performed the "Everything (Lifehouse) Skit" for the campers and it was an awesome production.
This week was great and will be a memory for years. It was a blast to spend time with these girls and I wish I could have spent the whole summer getting to know them better. God reminded me this week why I came here (I was beginning to wonder why I came because I miss home a lot) and showed me a lot about myself I needed to know.
Super Hero Night! Top Row L:R Super Sara, Ninja Turtle, Storm from X-Men, Ninja Turtle, Cat Woman, Uncle Fester. Bottom Row L:R Superwoman and Superman

Twin Night! Neon and I were the Dixie Chicks and sang "Goodbye Earl" when the campers chose us to sing a song during dinner.
This was a confirmation camp week which means campers came with their church groups and had confirmation class for two hours a day and then spent the rest of the time with the counselors. I was very nervous for this week seeing as I am not Lutheran, but it was not a difficult week at all. We discussed how God thinks we are special in our confirmation groups and learned that there is nothing we could do to make God not love us.
My girls and I spent time laughing and growing together during challenge course and activity time. Monday night we got the chance to dress as super hero's for dinner and we looked awesome. Tuesday was a rough day, but my girls were tough and stuck through it. We spent all day at the challenge course which meant lots of hiking and then we had camp out night (even more hiking). Camp out night could have ended badly since it took Neon and I two hours to get our fire started to cook our dinner, but the girls kept great attitudes and we ended the night singing around our campfire and laughing about counselor codes. Wednesday night involved a game of Biffer which is a game where campers have to find counselor in number order so Izza and I spent the game in a canoe boat in the middle of the field representing the 7th and last counselor. We ended the last night of camp with a game of Commando. In this game, the counselor search out the campers and trying to catch them. All the campers have Cheerios which represent their life and if they get caught the counselor gets to take their life and they have to start over trying to get it from one side of the field to the other. Also on Thursday, the staff performed the "Everything (Lifehouse) Skit" for the campers and it was an awesome production.
This week was great and will be a memory for years. It was a blast to spend time with these girls and I wish I could have spent the whole summer getting to know them better. God reminded me this week why I came here (I was beginning to wonder why I came because I miss home a lot) and showed me a lot about myself I needed to know.
Twin Night! Neon and I were the Dixie Chicks and sang "Goodbye Earl" when the campers chose us to sing a song during dinner.
In honor of the song of the week, Izza and I sang Goodbye Earl at dinner tonight.
P.S. Mom if your reading this. Prepare for a gigantic hug when I return home. I saw so many girls run into their moms arms today and all I could do was think of running into yours. I love and miss you! Dad you'll get a great big hug as well!
Pin ItSunday, July 17, 2011
Week 5: Camano Island, Washington
This week I was sent to do a VBS camp on Camano Island which is about an hour south of Bellingham. It was a relief to take a week away from camp and explore an area that I have never seen completely before. I was assigned 6th graders again which has been awesome because I love middle school students, but I forget that they are still maturing and dealt with a lot of random noisy students. I banned all things Justin Beiber and talks about which camp counselor I had a crush on (Side note- All the guys at camp are great guys and I enjoy getting to know them. I am not dating any of them nor am I engaged/married to any of them. Your welcome mom and dad!)
Being a camp counselor is a wonderful job, but also very tiring. I keep getting asked whether I will come back next year, but I am not at a point where I would be sure of my decision. At this point, I am in the middle and prefer to stay undecided since I still have another six weeks here.
Since my week was similar to one I have explained before I will just give some highlights and things I have learned/love about Washington.
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Being a camp counselor is a wonderful job, but also very tiring. I keep getting asked whether I will come back next year, but I am not at a point where I would be sure of my decision. At this point, I am in the middle and prefer to stay undecided since I still have another six weeks here.
Since my week was similar to one I have explained before I will just give some highlights and things I have learned/love about Washington.
Morning greetings/hugs from Keith (a first grader)
Applause after every time I sang at B.O.B. (body on your bunk) time. I felt like a superstar.
Being asked if Keith was my son. If I was older, I would adopt him in a heartbeat!
Matchmaker Kylie; she was sure Pippin and I would be married in the future.
Bible encounters with honest, open hearts.
What I love/have learned about Washington
Thunderstorms do not happen often here, but today God finally granted me one!
Whales eat seals sometimes; sad, but true.
The weather is perfect for me. Never too hot or too cold and rarely is it humid here.
Waking up to mountains never gets old.
City life here is beautiful and filled with green grass.
Unique and one of a kind stores are everywhere.
The style for everyone is so different and unique; yet, accepted by all.
If anyone has any questions for me, feel free to leave a comment on my blog and I will do my best to reply in a timely manner.
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Saturday, July 9, 2011
Week 4: Bellingham, Washington
Well this was an interesting week in Washington. I was on General Duty all week so I didn't have campers, but I did interact with campers. I spent most of the week painting, moving furniture, gardening, and planning lots of campfires, morning watches, and vespers.
Sunday we welcomed campers and planned campfire for the campers. Monday we taped the bungalow for painting and weeded a lot. I also swam with the campers every day this week. For vespers I played Katy Perry's "Firework" on guitar and we watched fireworks with a round of Ride the pony (a very funny, repitive game). Tuesday was more manual labor and swimming. This week was mostly a blur so I don't remember a lot of it.
The staff went to do high ropes course one day this week and I made it to the top of the platform climbing up and then just stood there until it was time to come down, but that was good for me. It was a rough week for a lot of people so this weekend was very much needed to rest. Tonight we are having a dinner prepared for us by the Australian and then I leave Sunday for Camano, Washington for a VBS day camp for the week. Pin It
Sunday we welcomed campers and planned campfire for the campers. Monday we taped the bungalow for painting and weeded a lot. I also swam with the campers every day this week. For vespers I played Katy Perry's "Firework" on guitar and we watched fireworks with a round of Ride the pony (a very funny, repitive game). Tuesday was more manual labor and swimming. This week was mostly a blur so I don't remember a lot of it.
The staff went to do high ropes course one day this week and I made it to the top of the platform climbing up and then just stood there until it was time to come down, but that was good for me. It was a rough week for a lot of people so this weekend was very much needed to rest. Tonight we are having a dinner prepared for us by the Australian and then I leave Sunday for Camano, Washington for a VBS day camp for the week. Pin It
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Week 3: Olympia, Washington
Sorry for the delayed post, but life is very busy here in Washington. This past week four others and I went to Olympia, Washington to do a VBS day camp. It was challenging, fun, and a learning experience for all of us. Every single day we had chapel which I played guitar for and then we would break out into cabin times. I had 5th and 6th graders with another counselor because there was 17 of them. They were all fun to get to know, but boy do they push your buttons. By the end of the day, my voice would be scratchy with all the singing and yelling I had to do.
For cabin times, we did bible encounter which is where we go over the theme for the day and do activities that involve the theme. Then we went to game time and basically had the kids run around so they would be tired by the end of the day. Then we had lunch and went into more games with everyone. After games, we had environmental activity which was basically more game time since they didn't have much nature area for us. We ended the day with craft time and closing chapel.
When we were done planning for the day we would head back to our host family house and spend time relaxing or exploring Olympia. It was nice to be able to relax at night and share our lives with our Awesome host family (Tibbets). If I did day camps every week, I don't think I would complain because it was still fun, but I would like at least a couple of weeks on the actual camp site.
When we all returned from our day camps on Friday we had closing staff worship and dinner and then the group of people who stayed camped out in the mountains. Before camp out, we got to go on the boat and I went tubing for my first time! It was scary, but fun too. Saturday morning Maverick put on a Wake board event so we spent the day helping run it which meant more time on the lake. With all that time on the lake also meant a very sun burnt Rachel which I am still recovering from.
I am still loving Washington, but I wouldn't mind a quick trip home to see everyone and just be at home with family for a week. If anyone wants to come visit, feel free. I have Saturdays off and would love to spend it with you!

The kissing statue by the Puget Sound. Of course we all had to make our kissy faces!
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For cabin times, we did bible encounter which is where we go over the theme for the day and do activities that involve the theme. Then we went to game time and basically had the kids run around so they would be tired by the end of the day. Then we had lunch and went into more games with everyone. After games, we had environmental activity which was basically more game time since they didn't have much nature area for us. We ended the day with craft time and closing chapel.
When we were done planning for the day we would head back to our host family house and spend time relaxing or exploring Olympia. It was nice to be able to relax at night and share our lives with our Awesome host family (Tibbets). If I did day camps every week, I don't think I would complain because it was still fun, but I would like at least a couple of weeks on the actual camp site.
When we all returned from our day camps on Friday we had closing staff worship and dinner and then the group of people who stayed camped out in the mountains. Before camp out, we got to go on the boat and I went tubing for my first time! It was scary, but fun too. Saturday morning Maverick put on a Wake board event so we spent the day helping run it which meant more time on the lake. With all that time on the lake also meant a very sun burnt Rachel which I am still recovering from.
I am still loving Washington, but I wouldn't mind a quick trip home to see everyone and just be at home with family for a week. If anyone wants to come visit, feel free. I have Saturdays off and would love to spend it with you!

The kissing statue by the Puget Sound. Of course we all had to make our kissy faces!
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