For cabin times, we did bible encounter which is where we go over the theme for the day and do activities that involve the theme. Then we went to game time and basically had the kids run around so they would be tired by the end of the day. Then we had lunch and went into more games with everyone. After games, we had environmental activity which was basically more game time since they didn't have much nature area for us. We ended the day with craft time and closing chapel.
When we were done planning for the day we would head back to our host family house and spend time relaxing or exploring Olympia. It was nice to be able to relax at night and share our lives with our Awesome host family (Tibbets). If I did day camps every week, I don't think I would complain because it was still fun, but I would like at least a couple of weeks on the actual camp site.
When we all returned from our day camps on Friday we had closing staff worship and dinner and then the group of people who stayed camped out in the mountains. Before camp out, we got to go on the boat and I went tubing for my first time! It was scary, but fun too. Saturday morning Maverick put on a Wake board event so we spent the day helping run it which meant more time on the lake. With all that time on the lake also meant a very sun burnt Rachel which I am still recovering from.
I am still loving Washington, but I wouldn't mind a quick trip home to see everyone and just be at home with family for a week. If anyone wants to come visit, feel free. I have Saturdays off and would love to spend it with you!

The kissing statue by the Puget Sound. Of course we all had to make our kissy faces!
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