This was a confirmation camp week which means campers came with their church groups and had confirmation class for two hours a day and then spent the rest of the time with the counselors. I was very nervous for this week seeing as I am not Lutheran, but it was not a difficult week at all. We discussed how God thinks we are special in our confirmation groups and learned that there is nothing we could do to make God not love us.
My girls and I spent time laughing and growing together during challenge course and activity time. Monday night we got the chance to dress as super hero's for dinner and we looked awesome. Tuesday was a rough day, but my girls were tough and stuck through it. We spent all day at the challenge course which meant lots of hiking and then we had camp out night (even more hiking). Camp out night could have ended badly since it took Neon and I two hours to get our fire started to cook our dinner, but the girls kept great attitudes and we ended the night singing around our campfire and laughing about counselor codes. Wednesday night involved a game of Biffer which is a game where campers have to find counselor in number order so Izza and I spent the game in a canoe boat in the middle of the field representing the 7th and last counselor. We ended the last night of camp with a game of Commando. In this game, the counselor search out the campers and trying to catch them. All the campers have Cheerios which represent their life and if they get caught the counselor gets to take their life and they have to start over trying to get it from one side of the field to the other. Also on Thursday, the staff performed the "Everything (Lifehouse) Skit" for the campers and it was an awesome production.
This week was great and will be a memory for years. It was a blast to spend time with these girls and I wish I could have spent the whole summer getting to know them better. God reminded me this week why I came here (I was beginning to wonder why I came because I miss home a lot) and showed me a lot about myself I needed to know.
Twin Night! Neon and I were the Dixie Chicks and sang "Goodbye Earl" when the campers chose us to sing a song during dinner.
In honor of the song of the week, Izza and I sang Goodbye Earl at dinner tonight.
P.S. Mom if your reading this. Prepare for a gigantic hug when I return home. I saw so many girls run into their moms arms today and all I could do was think of running into yours. I love and miss you! Dad you'll get a great big hug as well!
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