Do you ever hear yourself saying:
"This will be the summer I will commit to working out; this will be the year I lose those pounds, etc."
Well that was one of my goals this summer with a few things in mind.
1.) It wouldn't be to lose weight; I would do it to be healthy.
2.) I would not allow myself to say I can't do it.
3.) I would run and be able to run a 5k by the end of the summer.
It's almost July and I have worked out seriously for one week. A couple of weeks ago I worked out for 4 days, which does not seem like a lot, but I was working out hard and I felt good.
Sometimes I am the typical girl who beats herself and has a low view of her body image, but most of the time I am pretty positive about myself. I try not to worry about my weight because I know it would overwhelm me. My goal is just to be positive about myself. I know I am not the super model, nor do I have the "healthy, fit" body people say you should have. I have curves, and yeah I have a stomach, but I love my smile, my eyes, my wavy hair that can air dry and look like I spent hours on, my laugh, my small hands, my strong legs, and the way I can look at myself in the mirror and know I look the most like my dad.
Now that you know how in love with myself I am...I'll get to my point.
I really want to be healthy. I want to eat better and still be able to run as much as I could when I was in high school, or at least be as active as I was. So that is why I am telling you all this.
I heard blogging about your fitness is a good reminder to see your progress and to help motivate you.
I will not dedicate a whole blog to this topic everytime, but I plan on letting you know how I am doing and keeping a record of my workouts and healthy food eats.
Here's to being healthy!
1st Workout: 6/27/2012
3.15 mile bike ride with brother
40 Jumping Jacks
20 Wall Push Ups
1 minute plank
50 Crunches
25 Leg Lifts
50 Bicycles
40 Twisted Crunches
30 Lungers
15 Squats
15 arm dips
100 Arm Circles
I may have gone a little overboard this time?
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