- See more at: http://www.heleneinbetween.com/2015/10/how-to-make-blog-post-title-come-before.html#sthash.1qAhHSsz.dpuf

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Working Out

Do you ever hear yourself saying:
"This will be the summer I will commit to working out; this will be the year I lose those pounds, etc."

Well that was one of my goals this summer with a few things in mind.
1.) It wouldn't be to lose weight; I would do it to be healthy.
2.) I would not allow myself to say I can't do it.
3.) I would run and be able to run a 5k by the end of the summer.

It's almost July and I have worked out seriously for one week. A couple of weeks ago I worked out for 4 days, which does not seem like a lot, but I was working out hard and I felt good.

Sometimes I am the typical girl who beats herself and has a low view of her body image, but most of the time I am pretty positive about myself. I try not to worry about my weight because I know it would overwhelm me. My goal is just to be positive about myself. I know I am not the super model, nor do I have the "healthy, fit" body people say you should have. I have curves, and yeah I have a stomach, but I love my smile, my eyes, my wavy hair that can air dry and look like I spent hours on, my laugh, my small hands, my strong legs, and the way I can look at myself in the mirror and know I look the most like my dad.

Now that you know how in love with myself I am...I'll get to my point.
I really want to be healthy. I want to eat better and still be able to run as much as I could when I was in high school, or at least be as active as I was. So that is why I am telling you all this.
I heard blogging about your fitness is a good reminder to see your progress and to help motivate you.

I will not dedicate a whole blog to this topic everytime, but I plan on letting you know how I am doing and keeping a record of my workouts and healthy food eats.
Here's to being healthy!

1st Workout: 6/27/2012
3.15 mile bike ride with brother
40 Jumping Jacks
20 Wall Push Ups
1 minute plank
50 Crunches
25 Leg Lifts
50 Bicycles
40 Twisted Crunches
30 Lungers
15 Squats
15 arm dips
100 Arm Circles

I may have gone a little overboard this time?
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Blessings and Struggles #2

To say what this past week was an array of emotions is an understatement; it was more like a roller coaster. I was all over the place and I'd rather leave the roller coaster rides to the theme park and far, far away from my emotions.

My lovely grandmother is here for two months and we have been spending time together. Today we went on a little shopping spree to get me a case for a gift I received this week. We got to talk about my grandfather and memories of England; it was lovely. I really want to make sure I cherish the time we have together.

I worked my butt off at school this past semester, well sort of. It was my easiest semester, but I made sure to continue to work hard and not goof off when I could have. Since I worked hard, I made the dean's list which is the second time (yes, I'm bragging, but I truly believe that everyone should brag on themselves sometimes) in my college history. The only reason I make a big deal of this is because for once I am proud of myself educationally. I always label myself as the social one in the family and not the book smarts one, but finally I can say I have some book smarts. My parents surprised me by rewarding me for my hard work with an Android Tablet.

I am in love!

I am starting another job this week. Yeah, I know, I am crazy! But God is providing this poor college student with money and while I may be a little stressed and tired, I am grateful.

I got to have two fun Saturday nights in the same month! It may not sound like a big deal, but most Friday and Saturday nights I am working at the restaurant. I went cosmic bowling and grabbed dessert with some friends. Loved it!


I already mentioned my emotions, but they are a little overboard right now.

I've slipped back into a bad habit of mine again and I could use the prayer to be strong and break it.

Feeling the pull away from church again; I need a bible study or coffee meeting to just talk about God. Anybody in the Greenwood area interested? I need some spiritual discussions in my life!

Any Blessings or Sufferings in your life?
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Thursday, June 21, 2012

What I want to do before I die

My new netflix show right now is the Buried Life. It is a short season so I knew it would be easy to get through and it is actually interesting.
With all the things accomplished on their list, I began to wander about my buried life list.

To Do Before I Die
Get married
Complete a counseling masters program
Get a tattoo
Start a halfway house and bed and breakfast
Record a song
Play an open mike night
Sing Karaoke at a bar
Backpack around Europe
Visit all 50 states
Become a mom
Live in Seattle

Things I have Already crossed off
Get purple in my hair
Go on a mission trip
Graduate high school
Be a camp counselor
Save $2,000
Go on a blind date
Hold a recently born baby
Outdoor movie night in backyard
Camp out in backyard
T-P some one's house

What's on your list?

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

British Invasion

The invasion has begun!
My grandmother arrived this afternoon and is staying for two whole months!
I wish I could express how excited I am for that.
She has always been a woman close to my heart and whom I laugh with non-stop. She's only been here for 3 hours and I am already laughing too much.
She's witty and blunt which is just the way I like her.
I cannot wait to share stories of her with you all because we always find a way of getting lost, discovering random fun, and making the most of every moment.
She also does not let me get away with anything so be prepared for my complaints about her, but realize I appreciate all she does even if I do not always express it.

(So much excitement in that phrase!)
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Monday, June 18, 2012

Unsaid Words

I like to spend a lot of time analyzing my past and trying to figure out the path's that have led me to where I am today. Last week, I was thinking about the words I never said in my past that I wish I could have said. As I was watching the Kardashians last night (yes, I know horrible show to fill my mind with, but I'm addicted), Kris was wanting to just get words that she never said off her chest so she wouldn't regret not saying them. While the way she handled her situation is not the way I want to handle mine, I do believe the power of voicing things you wish you could say or should have said so I am dedicating some blog posts to these "unsaid words."

My first is going to be to the Church that hurt me.

Sometimes I wish we could have had one more chance  to walk in those doors and warn you of the person He really is. I don't think you would have listened, but I wish you could hear our side of the story. I wish you sympathized with us and were better friends. We were not the people in the wrong in this situation and I think you all know that. I wish you would still look at me and at least smile when you see me, my brother, mom or dad out in public and stop pretending that you do not know us; it just hurts us more. I really wish you all would have just apologized for the words spoken behind our backs and for your disbelief in my dad. He is a good man and I believe you all know that. Church is supposed to be a family and you were not our family in that time. You let us down, do you see that? Didn't you see how much I needed all of you?

To you in particular, are you happy now? Was it worth all the power you got for such a little time? Are you sorry for any of it; would you take it back? I have felt so betrayed and have lost my trust in the church because of you. My faith was rocked and I almost gave up the faith completely because of you. Sure, I am the only one that control my actions and choices, but don't you see how your actions can push me in that direction? Will you ever apologize and ask for our forgiveness. I have forgiven you over and over again, and I realize I have never completely forgiven you, but I am trying. Are you trying at all to be forgiven or do you still think your actions were right?

We are still here; we never left. The least all of you could do is acknowledge our presence and remember the life we dedicated to that church and to you.

I know those unsaid words may be kind of harsh, but they have been kept inside for a while. I know I used a lot of "you" statements which you are not supposed to do, but it's how I have felt. I encourage you all to write out those unsaid words, it can be liberating just to get them out without actually saying them to the culprit.
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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Blessings and Struggles

I have seen a lot of blogs that do high's and low's, plus and minuses, rants and raves, etc. So I have decided to dedicate some posts similar to that called Blessings and Struggles. I have found reflection of each day to be rewarding and I'd like to share my blessing and struggles through the week with you.

God has been present in my life. No, He did not leave, but now I realize He is there and I never realized how much I needed God in my life again. My days have become easier, my attitude more calm and happy, and my view on life more positive. I have missed this person and am so glad she is coming back into my life.

Aleena Elizabeth Brooks was born Thursday June 14th, 2012 at 5:57 p.m. 7 pounds 12 ounces, 20 inches. She is beautiful! I have spent every day at the hospital since and am falling in love with her more each day. I cannot wait to see how she grows and changes over the next couple of years!

My Nanie is coming to America on Wednesday! She will be here for 2 months to welcome Baby Green into the world and to hang out with her favorite granddaughter, me of course!

I had a week of from Panera and it was greatly needed; just praying the Home Depot job will come through so I can officially leave Panera.

Financial struggles are ever present and a constant worry of mine. This is the life of a college student I guess.

I miss Washington and Camp Lutherwood so much! My heart has been aching to be reconnected with my friends there.

I have been having a tough reconnection with a friend and it is beating me up inside. I am not sure why we keep butting heads.

What were your Blessings and Struggles this week?
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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A year ago...

This will be a short post.

A year ago I was beginning a scary, fun, and exciting adventure in Bellingham, Washington becoming a camp counselor for Camp Lutherwood. That summer filled my life with so much and my heart aches to be reconnected with the people and the life I envision there. Thank you God for the many blessings that have followed from that opportunity and the many blessings that are to come from it.
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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Imagination and Wedding Fun

Whew! This weekend was extremely busy for me and extremely expensive, but totally worth it!
I like to call this the "Wedding Weekend." Yesterday I spent the day traveling to two wedding events. One was a bridal shower for a dear co-worker of mine and another was for my best friends sisters wedding who is also a friend of mine. Both were so much fun and beautiful events filled with laughter and bonding! Then I spent last night celebrating a friends birthday downtown with dinner and a comedy club which means even more laughter. I was all laughed out by the end of the day.

With all this fun, my mind also has some fun of its own with this thing called "imagination." Leave it up to me to visualize my future wedding with a stranger I happened to make eye contact on the street or seating in the aisle across from me. If you did not know, I think I am a hopeless romantic. I love to think of the different ways a guy could catch my heart and I did plenty of that yesterday. I wondered what it would be to actually date that guy I've known for a while, but never though of in that way. Would it be weird? Would any one else mind? Would it be worth the risk? Or what about that guy I met a couple of years ago who made me think about the relationship I was in at the time? Was that God trying to save my heart through him? Was God trying to say wait for him?

Oh that questions and thoughts my mind comes up with! It drives me crazy sometimes! Sometimes I wish I could just be completely content with this time of singleness and not be looking for my future husband in every single guy. But then again, aren't we supposed to look for the other half our heart? Two are supposed to become one, so is it really wrong that I wonder about a guy I made eye contact with on the street?

Sometimes I think I should have been a writer for the crazy scenes I make up in my head. I think I could sell a pretty good book, except for the fact that I come up with a different love story that tops my other or a new guy comes into my life so I can't finish the other one while I am thinking about this new guy.

Thanks for the imagination God and all the fun that comes with it.
(Yes, there may have been some sarcasm in that statement.)
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Thursday, June 7, 2012

If I were valedictorian, here is my speech.

Maybe it's just me, but I occasionally get inspired and create speeches in my head that I would give to my student body on graduation day...if I was valedictorian, which I have never been or will ever be. (yeah, yeah, I know if I dream it, I can achieve it, but I do not want to work that hard in school. I like my social life too much.) So this would be my speech if I was.

First off, let me begin by saying congratulations to all of us. All of our hard work has paid off and this day is for us. Four years ago we began a new journey here at this beautiful place we learned to call home. We came from different walks of life and connected on this path of dorm rooms, campus events and late night study sessions. This journey we started had one path, but now has diverged into many others. Some of us may be starting a career on this very campus, while others of us will be packing up and starting life in a different place.

Wherever we head, there is something we all need to remember. A well known movie is known for this line, "You is kind, you is smart, and you is important." How true are these words! Remember this as you step on to your new path and face different road blocks or choices to make. You are kind, you are smart, and you are important.
Here's to us!

Can you guess what movie I just recently watched?
You guessed right, The Help!
This dream speech of mine has changed so many times, but here is what it would be today if I was giving the speech.

Any dream speeches you dream of giving someday?
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Sunday, June 3, 2012

My favorite Psychological Game

Last year while I was on leadership staff, we played this awesome game to help you get to know someone better and it has become a game I love to play when meeting new people (if I remember it). So let me teach it to you so you can share it with all your friends and families.

First Part:
Give your favorite color and two adjectives as to why.

Example: Purple because it is bold and vibrant.
What this means: This is how you want or how people see you. I'd like to think of myself as a bold and vibrant person.

Second Part:
Give your favorite thing in nature and to adjectives as to why.

Example: Palm Trees because they are unique and tall.
What this means: This is how you view God. Which is so true, because I always imagined God being the size of a giant.

Third Part:
Name your favorite animal and two adjectives as to why.

Example: mine is a giraffe because it is tall and quiet.
What this means: These are qualities you want for your future husband or wife.
So true! I've always wanted a guy at least taller than me and who doesn't mind being quiet since I talk so much!
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Friday, June 1, 2012

What I've been Pinning

I cried, it's true. It was just too cute!

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