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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

This issue called Rape

To know where the inspiration from this blog came from, follow the link below to see:

I've never really been  person to speak about controversial subjects, but reading this piece has really opened my eyes. As fashion trends change, we see that covering your body up is becoming something that is not necessary. The trends are changing, but being mistaken for the wrong thing. I was over-listening to a conversation where a guy said, "Well, she was asking for it." He was speaking in regards to her clothing choice. She was wearing a short skirt and very tight top and to him that meant she was asking for it. Who believe this? Because of what I wear, I am sending a message to sexually assault me or saying please touch me? 

Modesty-it is a word not every girl is raised to know what it means. My mother and father, along with my church did a great job at presenting modesty and what it means. But not everyone has a person to say that their clothing choice affects how someone perceives them. And now it is being used against them. 

Modesty is just one side of the issue, the other side is this idea of the male population deciding that it is okay to pursue the act of rape. It's becoming more common and is not going away. Are we teaching the younger generation about the danger? And where is the protection for girls? When are we teaching them self-defense and how to use their words as a weapon? Maybe it's just me, but I am convicted to be a voice for these girls and to teach them what is right and what is wrong. No girl should ever be treated as Amy was in the article. No girl should be raped.

I guess the point of this was just to open your eyes as to what is going around. It is so easy to get up in our lives and have the mindset of "I don't know of this happening so it's not important." I think we are generation who can change and will change. Here is an issue we can try and change.
Especially us females who think about the world our future daughter may grow up in. Let's make it a better and safer place for them!
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