I am 22 years old and I still believe in pranking.
Some of you may think its childish, but I think it is the most fun and brings people together.
Disagree, but I think I'm right.
One of my favorite pranks would be prank calling. My two best friends and I would spend hours prank calling people. We would be laughing so hard that we could barely get through the call. Let me just tell you, when you get prank called its more enjoyable for both parties if you just play along. The people who don't will probably keep getting prank called to annoy them. We, however, only called the people we knew would make it entertaining for us. If you have never prank called, use an accent to disguise your voice and think of the most ridiculous things to call about such as: gypsies, vampires, etc.
A second weird prank was coning people. In high school, I stole cones for some weird reason and most people knew that. I'd be walking through the hallway and someone would run up to me with a cone to add to my collection. In college, we attempted to steal some cones and put them all over our friends yard. It was my 21st birthday and that's how you have a good time when you go to a school that allows no drinking. One thing to know when you prank is that you need to be conspicuous and stealthy. I was not that. We decided to drive around campus collecting cones and left them in my car overnight. Campus Police was very good at their job and documented the cones in my car with pictures:
And while I probably shouldn't brag about this, I created a really good story that resulted in no fines for me.
Finally, pranking is a necessity as a camp counselor. The last week I worked at camp we had plenty of time to think of different ways to prank each other. One of my favorites was finding out a co-counselor had taken my toothbrush and toothpaste and frozen it in water. It took a whole day for that sucker to unfreeze.
I of course got him back in the middle of a prank by dumping 3 gallons of water on him.
Seriously, I do not believe you are too old to prank. It lightens up the mood and creates fun for most people. No, I am not encouraging you to go gallon-smashing or even t-ping as that can cause some damage. But I do encourage you to have fun, and be creative!
Is anyone else guilty of being a prankster?