My roommate and I have been talking about how we have changed over the last for years. We've changed personality wise, look wise, and faith wise.
Freshman year:
My style was jeans and sweat shirts. I was studying youth leadership. I dated a guy named Trent who went to a different school and I spend the majority of my weekends at AU or in Angola. I went to Zumba every Thursday at 5 p.m., Floor Dinner on Monday's, and bible study on Wednesday. My favorite class was with Todd Faulkner teaching Into to Church Ministries which I took with Tessa. The biggest lesson I learned is to be carefree and have fun. I really lived up this year.
Sophomore Year:
Well this was an interesting year. I served on leadership staff as a Discipleship Coordinator. I changed my major to Psychology and Business Management. I lived the single life this year and tried developing friendships. We became friends with some pretty cool people and we lost some friendships. Biggest lesson: God sends some big waves to rock your boat, but if you hold on long enough he pulls you through.

Junior Year:
The year of surprises! Michelle was pregnant, I decided I wanted to move to Washington, and some more drama filled our lives. I was a Psychology and now a Business Administration major. We took a trip to California and welcomed in a new member to our friendship. Biggest life lesson: Three strands are not easily broken.

Senior Year:
The year of hair change-light brown, red, to dark brown. Business and Psychology major. Lightest semester loads. Took a week off from school to complete my graduate school interview. Met a boy at a party who after a few months turned into the guy I am dating. I make the big decisions to move to Washington for grad school. Spontaneity and living life up is of importance. Biggest life lesson: Sometimes your plans change, be willing to see where life takes you.
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