Thanks to my wonderful parents I had the opportunity to take an impromptu trip home for the summer. And let me tell you, I needed it badly.
The weeks following up to the trip I experienced multiple breakdowns. I would be driving in the car and a song would come on and I'd be in tears. I couldn't tell you why Katy Perry's Birthday song made me cry, but it did. I can tell you now it was because I missed home which my boyfriend always pointed out first. How he does it I do not know.
So last week I spent 5 days at home. I went home for the grand opening of my parent's Roscoe's Taco's in Mooresville which actually did not open till today and I am currently in Washington right now. Nevertheless, the time at home was great. I spent time with my nephew and surprised my sister. I spent time with the besties adorable little girl, got to have old roommate time conversations about our future prediction's and dream about the future together.
And then Thursday came and I had to get back on a plane in order to go on a camping trip on Friday. My mom took me to the airport, I got teary eyed, and then I went through security for the fourth time this year saying when I would see her next. I thought I was done getting teary-eyed after I made it through security, but apparently I was wrong. As my plane took off and began to become airborne I felt the tears come back. What in heavens name was wrong with me?
But as I spent that six hour flight thinking, I realized that every time I get back on a plane to Washington I am reminded of all the I sacrifice to live my dream. Now I feel like the word "sacrifice" has a bad connotation with it so I want you all to know that my sacrifices are not bad things, but just things I choose to miss out on to live my dream.
I am sacrificing being apart of many family events such as the grand opening of Roscoe's, being at the hospital for my new nephews birth, and missing multiple birthday celebrations.
I am sacrificing country drives that you take just to feel the breeze with your windows down driving past corn field after corn field.
I am sacrificing comfort and familiarity.
I'm sure the list could go on and on, but those are the things that are clear to me of what I am sacrificing. On the plane I also thought about how large the heart is. How is it possible for my heart to hold two places as home? When I am in Indiana, I cannot wait to return back to Washington. And then in Washington, I count down the days to be reunited with family. It astounds me how the heart can hold so much, love so much.
I am grateful to have two places of home, but boy do I miss the other when I am living in one place. Congratulations mom and dad as you start your new adventure today and I cannot wait to come and celebrate in October!