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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Being Single

Have you ever gotten out of a relationship and been sad it was over, but knew it was for the best but then a little bit later you start second guessing yourself and wondering was it really for the best? Is this what is meant to be? Well, that describes my week this week. I think it is sometimes hard to accept that you are single. Is being single bad? No! Does it have it's down sides? Yes!

Sure when you are single that means you don't have someone to be all cutesy and cuddly with, but that time you spent doing that stuff gets spent doing something else. For me it was growing closer to God and growing up. I found a quote yesterday that said this:

"If you're taken the by all means take it and enjoy one another. If you're single, soak it up! You can do so much more stuff when you're single, like having more friends, time, and more friends. Take it in,and when that guy comes along, I mean the PERFECT guy for you, who treats you right, then by all means go for it! You have to be able to enjoy being single, and then enjoy being taken! And let the guy pursue YOU! No need for a girl to do that job." Dustyn Cootnz

So that is what I am doing. Enjoying being single, spending time with friends, growing with God, loving my family, and preparing myself for the future. It would be much easier to meet my husband right now and just be happy with him for the rest of my life, but I know God is preparing me for him. Sure, it may take a couple of wrong turns and tearful nights, but I trust that God is doing BIG things in my life and that he is going to blow me out of this world with my husband.

So, if you're single then welcome to the club. It is not as bad as you think. You're not always going to be single so enjoy it while you have it. Take time to do things that you want to do. Travel, cross of things on your to do before I die list, grow individually with God, and see the beauty of single hood. If you're taken, then cherish your man or woman, show them love, have fun, and grow together in a relationship built around God. Pin It

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