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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Walking the Talk

I got upset today based on some pictures that popped up on Facebook. First let me mention that the pictures I saw we're not of close friends of mine, but of acquaintances. With that said, the pictures I saw still made me upset. They were pictures of people I have grown up in church with. Peers of mine and in the pictures they were drinking and they are not even the legal age. I know it is not my place to judge, but this still upsets me. Some of the people in those pictures have stood on stage at church and preached about how God is number one in their lives and how they are living for Him. Well, how can you be living for Him when you are clearly displaying that you are disobeying him.

I'll admit that I don't know of any verses that say that you should not drink, but I know there are verses that say to follow the law and the law says not to drink until you are 21 so you are disobeying by breaking the law. I'll also admit that I have made mistakes and disobeyed God, but I believe there is a difference from continuing to disobey God and disobeying God but deciding to vow not to make that mistake again.

People look up to those people that are in the pictures. Is that the example they want to set for others? Do they want to say it is alright to drink?

This got me thinking about what example I am setting. What character am I presenting to others? If they see me, do they see a life that is striving to live for God? What if they don't see that? What if I lead them down a path of destruction without knowing it? It is so easy to talk the walk, but when it comes to walking the walk it is definitely not easy. There are constantly bumps in the road looking to trip us up. And yes, sometimes we are going to fall, but we can either let that fall keep tripping us up or we can choose to get back up and walk stronger than before.

Easier to say then do! But I want to try and do that. I probably could have spent my summer doing more than I have, but I am not here to regret the decisions I have made for my summer. I actually am proud of the way I have matured from last summer. I know I am not perfect, but I am trying to allow God to work in my life. Some days I wake up and I realize that before I do anything else I have to surrender my life to God again. I've been a Christian for 8 years now, but I still have to re-commit myself to God constantly.

So here I am re-committing myself again. God, I am giving you my life because it is not mine to have. It is a gift! You allow me to wake up each day because you have given me a purpose and I pray that each day I can live out that purpose. Take me as I am! I was too scared to start now I'm too scared to let go! Teach me to walk the walk and live the talk. Amen! Pin It

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