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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 25: Person I know is having the hardest time

Dear you,

You are strong, confident, beautiful, and truly amazing. It may seem like life is not worth it at the moment, but keep carrying on. The sun has just set, but it will rise. It will rise and shine again for you. Each step is taking you to the place you are meant to go. There is no wrong path for that path is taking you to the right path. Don't stop moving; keep picking up each foot one day at a time. Don't loose hope or faith, instead devote yourself to your faith and rely deeply on that. Cry when you need to, laugh when you need to, yell when you need too, and smile even in the midst of your tears. "Whether you turn to the right or the left, you will hear a voice behind you saying 'this is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:21 Take your time lovely!

You may seem like these feelings will stay forever, but one day you'll wake up just like me and realize today is the day to officially say goodbye. Maybe that day is today, tomorrow, a month from now, or a year from now. Whenever it is, it will come and we will all be here waiting for you and your timing.

If anything, remember we love you, through thick and thin, rain or shine, we are here.

"There's a better version of me that I can't quite see, but things are gonna change. Right now I'm a total mess and right now I'm completely incomplete, but things are gonna change cause you're not through with me yet. This is redemption's story with every step that I'm taking. Every day I'm chipping away what I don't need. This is me under construction, this is my pride being broken. And every day I'm closer to who I'm meant to be. I'm a change in the making." Pin It

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