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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Be Still

Being still is not a phrase I enjoy. I do not like to be still. Yes, I like to sit or lay down, but I am not still. I am constantly fidgeting, rolling, or letting my mind ramble through everything. "What if I do this, what if I don't. Why does she react like that, why did I react like that? Is this what I'm supposed to be doing? Can I just sleep?" To say my life is sane right now, well, that's a lie. My life is filled with exams, roommate conflicts, big events, and so much more.

This morning I went into the lab on campus to do more homework/studying and saw a guy outside standing. As I watched him, I wondered who he was talking to so I peeked out the window to see who he was talking to and there was no one. "How weird!" I thought. This kid is just standing talking to no one, but then I realized he was not talking but singing and he was singing to God. I still thought that was strange that he is singing to God by himself in the middle of campus and then decided I should stop being creepy and watching him.

Well I am a people watcher and I just could not stop looking. He continued to keep singing, but then sat down and opened his bible. Immediately the words, "Be Still" popped into my head. I've lost the idea of that concept. You do not have to be completely still, but just Be where you are. On this beautiful day, he decided to spend a beautiful morning with the lord. As I watch him, I see the beauty surrounding him. A rising sun, yellow trees, leaves swirling with the wind and I feel peace.

Life is crazy and it's filled with unexpected events everyday, but I am reminded of the beauty in life that God has given us. Thank you God for this day and especially for the days to follow! Pin It

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