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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day one: My Best Friends

A very dear friend of mine was doing a letter challenge for 30 days and I decided to take it on as well. I have many best friends so sorry for the length.

-Where do I even start? Our relationship has definitely been a roller coaster, but a blessing as well. In high school, we were inseparable. We fought every day and sometimes we went days without really talking because we were so mad, but yet we still remained best friends. And now college. It's been a tough thing for our friendship, but it doesn't mean I love you any less. I was certain our friendship was coming to an end, but God has knit us together at the heart and whether we want to admit or not we need each other. I love you and can't wait to go to Newport Beach together and to finally find our Todd's!

-And you win the role for best supporting actor! No matter where we are in life, I know that I can always come to you and you will support me 100%. I love how you can make me laugh constantly and how we can hang out with each other and have the best day ever even if we don't say a word to each other. I'm bummed I don't get to see you everyday like we did in high school, but you'll always be my best friend and maybe my maid of honor? :)

-You are the only person I could live with! I am so glad college brought us closer together and that God blessed me with someone I know will be in my life forever. You help me stop freaking out and are the best listener I have ever met. I love our late night talks and how we understand each other most of the time. I'm so excited for the rest of the adventures we are going to go own together! Love you!

-Oh my pool playing friend. As much as you drive me crazy, I absolutely love how we cry, laugh, and find joy together in almost everything. We can both talk and talk and not have a clue what each other is saying, but we leave feeling like we had the best conversation ever. You help me see different point of views and constantly encourage me. Thanks for always being there and being ready to have fun at any moment.

-Best friends since third grade! You can just make me laugh, laugh, and laugh. I love how most of the time we are just goofing off, but we have some of the deepest conversations. I'm so glad God brought us back together and that we can share this awesome journey together. I am ready to keep saying best friends since third grade for the rest of my life and adding in tons of memories!

-AP! One hug from you and my day can turn around. I love how we never have been in one fight and that we are constantly making sure each of us chases our dreams. Our dad's were best friends and now we can be best friends and hopefully our children will be best friends as well. I love you tons! Pin It

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