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Thursday, October 1, 2015

October Goals

Happy Fall Ya'll!

One of my most favorite things about fall is driving down the road and seeing the leaves on the tree's change colors. Luckily, Seattle has had very few rainy days which means I have been able to enjoy the fall transition more this year!

Of course today is the start of a new month which means new goals to share with you!
My goals were super easy last month and wouldn't you know I actually did a really good job avoiding Starbucks. Apparently you have to not make it a goal to actually succeed at that one!

October Goals

 1.| Eat Breakfast.
I have never been a big breakfast eater, but I got into a good routine this summer about eating it everyday. But lately I've been waking up not hungry and just skipping breakfast altogether. 
I know it's essential to eat something every morning so my goal is to eat one thing if and when I feel hungry.

2.| Try a little harder at the gym.
I'm over the stage of just going to the gym and making that a goal.
I've accomplished that and now I realized I need to start pushing myself more.
My goal is to at least have one of my workouts during the week leaving me sore the next day.
My current gym rotation is always 20 minutes of cardio and then I focus on my arms, legs, or abs. 

3.| Drink more water.
I do not typically have a problem with this, but I saw how important it was to focus on this after not drinking enough water this weekend. My whole body felt out of it and I got a charlie horse in my leg! I have a Starbucks 24 oz. cup and my goal is to drink at least 3 full cups a day with a hope of doing 4 a day. 

It seems as the month of October may be a focus on health for my goals this month.
What are your goals?
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  1. Girl, your October goals are my LIFE goals. haha I'm heading to the Bahamas in a couple of weeks so I've been hitting the gym a little harder. Best of luck with your efforts this month! ♥

    Sarah | Plucky in Love

  2. Love seeing these Rach! Proud of you for cutting back on the Sbux! Mine is to get my butt back in gear, I was a bit lazy all summer after losing all that weight in spring!!

  3. Oh man. I really need to get better at all of these things. I'm TERRIBLE about eating breakfast and drinking water at getting in my exercise. It's a problem.
