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Thursday, June 7, 2012

If I were valedictorian, here is my speech.

Maybe it's just me, but I occasionally get inspired and create speeches in my head that I would give to my student body on graduation day...if I was valedictorian, which I have never been or will ever be. (yeah, yeah, I know if I dream it, I can achieve it, but I do not want to work that hard in school. I like my social life too much.) So this would be my speech if I was.

First off, let me begin by saying congratulations to all of us. All of our hard work has paid off and this day is for us. Four years ago we began a new journey here at this beautiful place we learned to call home. We came from different walks of life and connected on this path of dorm rooms, campus events and late night study sessions. This journey we started had one path, but now has diverged into many others. Some of us may be starting a career on this very campus, while others of us will be packing up and starting life in a different place.

Wherever we head, there is something we all need to remember. A well known movie is known for this line, "You is kind, you is smart, and you is important." How true are these words! Remember this as you step on to your new path and face different road blocks or choices to make. You are kind, you are smart, and you are important.
Here's to us!

Can you guess what movie I just recently watched?
You guessed right, The Help!
This dream speech of mine has changed so many times, but here is what it would be today if I was giving the speech.

Any dream speeches you dream of giving someday?
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