- See more at: http://www.heleneinbetween.com/2015/10/how-to-make-blog-post-title-come-before.html#sthash.1qAhHSsz.dpuf

Thursday, February 5, 2015

A New App: MailTime

Thanks to boostinsider I am discovering new apps every single day.
The newest one I love is called MailTime!
It is a new way to send emails, read emails, and stay organized in life.

What I love about MailTime is that it is just like texting and makes emailing so much easier.
I get tired of having to be so formal in emails when rarely anyone else is formal with me.
It is becoming more normal to respond like a text message and put the formalities aside.
MailTime allows you to do just that. 
Your emails appear in a bubble chat form which allows you to apply to the email like it came in a text message form and then hit send.

 (This is how an email I sent appears)

It also allows you to make reminders or to-do lists.
I have an iPhone and it connected to my notes app in my phone reminding that I made a note about something which is super helpful when you are forgetful like me. 

I also love how it puts the email picture of who you are emailing with or their initials.
I have found this so helpful when searching for a specific email.
So many times when I use my GMail app I cannot find the email because they are look the same.
MailTime has made it easier to find the email by color coding, using pictures, and initials.

The app only allows you to use 140 characters as well.
While this could be seen as a negative, I see it as a positive.
So many times we type out a super long email to get a single point across.
MailTime limits you and helps you get down to the nitty-gritty and get your point across in less words. I get tons of emails every single day and often have trouble figuring out what to say. Now I am more straight to the point in my emails and get work done faster.
The app is only available for apple phones at the moment, but I am sure it will be available for all devices soon since it is so easy to use!

Being involved in the texting generation I encourage all my friends to get this.
It is simple to use, easy to learn, and an overall time improvement in my life!

Still not convinced you should try it?
Watch below and let the creators convince you instead!

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