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Friday, January 18, 2013

Front Doors

Have you ever walked up to a front door and just stopped?
Stopped in fear of what was behind them or for what would come at you once they opened?
There are a pair of front doors that I have been scared of for a while now.
The Church Front Doors.

Ever since the church event our family went through I have been nervous every time I approach those doors.
I think of the hurt that could come.
I think of the relationships that could be built.
I think of the hurt I've experienced.
I think of the relationships that were lost.

Is it worth that step through the door?
Is it even worth opening it?

All the what if's and worries float into me and I back away. Eventually I get the nerve to push through, but I wonder when I wont question those front doors. I wonder when the fear will release and when I can trust the church again.

Thankfully, I have blessed with front doors that I am not fearful of for the last four years.
The doors to Reardon Auditorium, our Chapel at Anderson. 
These doors welcome and invite me in.
The people I love, the worship I adore, and the message I need.
Today I was reminded of the beauty of worshiping with believers and finding trust amongst faces you only see so often.
Thank you AU for giving me this safe haven.
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  1. It is so hard to trust, to open yourself up again after your heart has been hurt so deeply...keeping pushing forward though. You'll make it I promise.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement! It is refreshing to have a voice that understands the hurt.
