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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Health Challenge

New year, new resolutions, right?
Well here is my health challenge that I am doing with someone whom I am not sure would want to be named on my blog yet so we will just keep him a secret for a little bit longer. It's like hewhomustnotbenamed! haha love harry potter!

Week 1: Workout at least 3 times this week.
Week 2: Eat veggies or fruits with every meal.
Week 3: No caffeine-water only!
Week 4: Sleep 7 hours each night or more!
Week 5: Work out at least 4 times this week.
Week 6:No desserts!
Week 7: Drink 8 cups of water each day.
Week 8: Be active and do 10 miles of something (running, biking, walking, etc.).
Week 9: Eat breakfast every day (this will be hard for me!).
Week 10: Eat small meals every 3 hours for 3 days.
Week 11: No Caffeine!
Week 12: Workout 5 times this week.

It's seems pretty realistic to do and is hitting on physical health and nutrition.
Let me know if you have any suggestions on how I can improve this.


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