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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 4: Dear Siblings

Dear Nat,
We are growing closer and closer to each other's hearts. We've been sisters since I was born, but it has taken us time to actually love each other like sisters. I think we could both say that we were just both annoying to each other. We're so many years apart so it's hard to relate, but you have become one of my best friends. You have an insight that I love to look into and you have been so helpful with college. I love when you come home and we now have little sleepovers in my room. Sure we both just sit on our own computers doing our own things, but we're in the same room doing it together. I know I said some hurtful things to you in the past, but I take it back. You have and will always be my role model. You are strong, independent, and a loving person. I miss having you around the house, but I'm excited that you are starting your own life with your new husband and hopefully kids soon! Love you so much!

Dear G,
Boy do you drive me crazy! One minute we are getting along and then next minute we're not talking, but I would never ask for that to change. I am truly lucky to call you my brother. Other people are jealous of our relationship and I'm glad they are. I always wished for an older brother to protect me, but even though you are younger than me I know you will always protect me and care for me. When I cry, you listen and we can have the best conversations. We can help each other understand mom and dad and I love all of our goofy times together when we just laugh and have the best time ever. Please never change! I'll be honest and say I thought you would always be the trouble maker, but I was wrong to ever think that. You can be a brat, but I know that's just the guy in you. You want to look tough, but you are a sweetheart deep inside. I love you brother! Pin It


  1. Dearest Rachel,
    You are kinder than I can ever imagine to be. Your heart is so pure and loving to all around you. I sometimes wish we could have been closer in age so I could see firsthand how amazing of a friend you are to those around you. You are the best sister a girl could wish for. I am honored that you see me as a role model, but that also scares me because I am nowhere near as far on my walk with God as you are. You are my role model. I love that your heart beats so strongly for God and I know He is leading you to great things! I love our sleepovers as well, that is one of the few times I have shared a room with someone and enjoyed it. Thank you for all your love and support through the years and for standing beside me on my wedding day!!
    Love you,

  2. Ah! I had no idea you would read this, but you just about made me cry. I love you so much big sis!

  3. Yeah, I stalk you from Madison!!!
