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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Word of 2010: Disappointment

It must be because I am not conversing with people a lot, but I have had a lot of thoughts running through my mind. It could also be because this past year was just rough. As the title of this says, I had a great year, but I faced disappointment a lot and I've thought a lot as to why this might have happened. Let me recap the big disappointments of this year:
-March: I did not get the RA position that I had always dreamed about. I also was not selected to receive the internship at the church in Alaska that I really wanted.
-June: Not only did I loose a best friend, but my relationship with T* did not work out.
-December: My dad lost his job.

So here are some of my reasons for why this might have happened:
1.) A lesson from God-maybe he was showing me how to rely on him even through the storms.
2.) I usually receive what I want and this is the first time I haven't, so maybe this is just showing me, just like the song, "You can't always get what you want."
3.) I have been living in an alternate universe and life has always been this hard, but I was just too much of an optimist.

I'm leaning more towards 1 and 2 than 3. Let's just rule out 3. I'm curious to see what this year will provide. Will it be the opposite of this past year? Will I get answers to why everything has been rough this year? Will I get my friend back? Will my dad get a better job than he has ever been offered? Will I get to spend my summer in Washington or Alaska? What does this year hold for me?

When I get my answers or a new word for the year, I'll let you know. Pin It

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