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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Moving On

I found this quote on Pinterest the other day and it really hit me. In April, I went through a breakup that was not an easy decision to make and required a lot of reflection from me.  I was still unsure of my decision a month later so I dug deeper into why I was struggling with moving on. I tend to be very bad about the end of relationships. When I end it, I feel fine for the first few weeks and then it all hits me a few weeks later and I cry, cry, cry.
This breakup was different. I was fine for two hours and then I lost it. I felt helpless, loveless, and confused beyond belief. I did not understand why I was fluctuating through these emotions so rapidly. One minute laughing and smiling the next sobbing. I eventually was able to keep myself composed most days and not dwell on what happened, but I knew I needed to spend more time thinking through why this was difficult and why I felt the way I did.
So I spent a week thinking through why I felt the way I did and why I no longer needed to feel this way.
Of course I felt the way I did because I cared about him. I cared about him as an individual, as my boyfriend, and as a human being.
I felt this way because I wanted it to work out, but had to deal with the fact not everything we want happens.
I felt this way because ending a relationship is never easy.
I needed to move on because that's what you do to heal yourself.
I needed to move on to prepare myself for what is to come and to be ready to take it head on.
I needed to move on because it felt right to.
This quote hit home and reminded me of the process of ending relationships whether its romantic or friendly.

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