- See more at: http://www.heleneinbetween.com/2015/10/how-to-make-blog-post-title-come-before.html#sthash.1qAhHSsz.dpuf

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tip Tuesday

I am linking up with Just Jacq today to give you all some blog tips.

One thing I have been struggling with in the blogging world lately is the number of followers/views my posts get. I've been spending a lot of time trying to increase my views and turn my blog into one people cannot wait to read in the morning. Slowly, I am realizing this does not happen over night and takes a lot of time.
With my focus on this, I also remembered why I originally started blogging. I did it just for me which is perfectly fine. You can blog for yourself and never have followers and that is just fine! I started this to write. I don't like my handwriting and I love typing. It's quick and efficient. I wanted a way to record my thoughts and life and blogging ended up being the option I thought was best.
So to keep this to a tip:
You can blog for yourself and not for anyone else. Just remember why you created this and what you want it to mean for you.

Also check out this awesome blog giveaway! I was never a fan of giveaways, but after winning two in one week I say its worth the time. Plus if you are watching t.v. its an easy time filler!
Go do it!

- See more at: http://www.livinginyellow.com/#sthash.ZvzNb9LZ.dpuf
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  1. Great tip! I think once we all start getting more followers we lose perspective of why we began blogging in the first place. Thanks for linking up!

  2. Hi~ found your blog over at Mingle Monday! Super cute! I agree so much with growing followers... But then I remember why I blog. Hang in there and just remember your content can get crappy when you force it. :) Hope you have a good week!
