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Thursday, June 20, 2013


Thanks to:
The Unreal Life
I have been inspired to write problems that have to do directly with me.
Feel free to make fun of me or openly admit these all apply to you as well.
1.) I trip over the air at least 2x's a day. #rachelprobz
2.) My left arm muscle is bigger than my right because of serving. #rachelprobz
3.) I will talk to myself in the car about the things I wish I would have said to people. #rachelprobz
4.) I make up my own words and fully believe they are in a dictionary until I look them up and realize it is not a real word. #rachelprobz

5.) I believe that Dr. Pepper from Chick-fil-a tastes better than any other Dr. Pepper in the world. #rachelprobz

6.) I will have at least one bruise on my body each week because I walk into things often. #rachelprobz

7.) I could spend the entire day watching Netflix and not feel bad about myself at all. #rachelprobz

8.) I think I'm an awesome driver, but really I'm the worst. #rachelprobz

9.) I cannot see blood, not even my own without wanting to pass out. #rachelprobz

10.) I can think of my future with the stranger who walks through the door in under five minutes.  #rachelprobz

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1 comment:

  1. I DO NUMBER 3 ALL THE TIME!!! Ahhh it's the worst habit I feel like! I have all these imaginary conversations with people and I get all into it and am moving my hands and making faces and then I realize how weird I must look...
