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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Throwback Thursday

I have finally decided to participate in throwback Thursday. I really only looked at all these pictures after trying to see if my best friend and I had changed at all since high school and sadly we look the same. Maybe just a little bit older looking.
Summer of 2009 going into College. This was a night of epic bowling and ice cream. Oh, and locking my keys in my car and my dad calling the cops to get them out. My friend Eric made sure to capture the entire episode of me waiting, freaking out to my dad, and the hilarious cop!

This was March of 2009 going on our small group Senior trip to IKEA and Crossroads church in Ohio. It consisted of our small group leader driving over many curbs and my roommate and I not buying one thing at IKEA. I think we were both overwhelmed and had no idea what we needed for a college dorm room.

Well, this face just describes how I felt every time I did math in high school. It was stressful and confusing. Math has never and will never be my thing. I can barely count without using my fingers. And fractions? Well, just don't give me any!

 May 2009-This picture is freaking me out. 4 years ago I graduate high school with purple streaks in my hair. Now, I will be doing the same thing and getting the same picture except without my brother as he is celebrating his Senior Prom the day of my graduation. It's crazy to think he will have the exact picture of this since he is graduating as well.
 Winter 2011-Who's crazy idea was this? Oh, right, mine! Michelle and I watched a One Tree Hill episode where they dressed as super hero's and I thought we should do the same. We went down our hall and collected girls and told them to wear ridiculous outfits. This is college in a freshman girls dorm.
 Look at Michelle and I! We were just babies. This is freshman year for us at Anderson University. It was the first time I had met her whole family and I wanted to impress them so bad. I slowly realized there are too many of them to impress. But, let's talk about my outfit. It's not horrible, but it is odd.

Our first Anderson football game. That goofball and I have been best friends forever and still take ridiculous pictures like this. I sure do love this girl!

 Here's the three of us Freshman year at some kind of school event. Who would have thought we'd become best friends and roommates. Man, I'm going to miss them.

And of course a super cheesy one to end on!
Throwbacks are fun, but kind of sad. Who let me take a walk down memory lane and create sad emotions inside of me. Wait, guilty again!

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  1. Getting your keys locked is always a bit stressful!!! But there is usually always a good story involved =) And I love going through old photos...they bring back so many memories don't they?!

    1. Love going through old pictures; taking walks down memory lane is always enjoyable!
