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Thursday, April 11, 2013

My current status

Sometimes life is just hard. It's filled with hurt, pain, loss, and confusion.
It can seem never-ending and it is filled with constant questioning.
Is this right? Is this wrong? What if? Why? What's the point?
And sometimes the answers take time to form.
And sometimes that time is years in the making.
With the time you wonder, is the difficulty worth it?
How will I know when the answer comes?
And then I am reminded each day the sun rises and sets.
Each day a life is a given and a life is taken.
Each day a tear is shed and a smile is shared.
Each day an angry remark is made and forgiveness is given.
Each day is new and holds a different plan.
And that plan is decided by a strong and mighty individual.
I do not always have the answers or the understanding, but I have the faith that someone is watching over me and mapping my life out. I may not always agree with what is in store for me, but I know it all contributes to the person he wants me to become.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."
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