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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

So one time I went on a date with someone I met online....

Do you ever have those stories to share that you are too scared to out of the fear of judgments that will come your way? Well, this is one of mine. The title gives you a little insight into what I am going to share.
In August or July (can't remember the exact month), I met up with a guy I had met online. We connected through this chat thing and both lived in the Indy area so we decided to meet up. Smartest move I've ever made? Probably not, but I want to let you know I didn't just go into this naively.
Here are the steps I took to ensure I was safe and not meeting some Wacko:
1.) Admit to my friends what I was doing: This was not easy. My friends were kind and acted cool about it, but I think they thought I was a little crazy. I even told one of my guy friends since he was going to be living in the area we were meeting at. From there, I asked my friends if they would have dinner at whatever place we were having dinner. Did I tell my date that? No, I thought it would be a better date to have in the future. I did slightly mention my friend was hoping to run into me. Little did he know both of my friends walked by us to check him out while we were eating.
2.) Admit to my parents what I was doing: I'll admit this was not my original plan. I will also admit that I do not do well keeping secrets from them so when they asked what I was doing Saturday night I admitted I had a date. And when they said with whom, I said with some guy I met online. They then proceeded to freak out and I think my dad told me to take my pepper spray which I did not do.
3.) Met in a public place: We met at a restraint filled with people. Public is always better than private. More people to see what is going on if anything crazy was to occur.
4.) Got there late: I'll be honest this was not in my original plan, but a good idea in the long run. If he was a wacko, my lateness may have made him leave. It also gave me a chance to have an idea where he was and to check to make sure he was not lying about his age. In my case, he was not. He was older and then berated me about my age the rest of the night. Best date-not so much.
Overall my advice is to be smart. If you've met someone online, make sure you have everything covered. These situations can turn into scary ones but they are also becoming normal. I encourage you to talk with someone about what you are doing and where you are going along with telling them you will call them on your way home. This covers your back in case something crazy happens. Just be smart and safe!
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