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Monday, April 22, 2013

First Impressions

I thought it would be fun to go and look at the first impression I had with my family and friends. So here is the Rachel they met.

Sister: I wanted a brother but I was very excited to have a real life baby of my own!!!!

Mom: beautiful inside and out, funny, caring, to the point, ditzy and so lovable

Michelle (roommate and 1 of the trio): Well, I don't really remember when I first met you, but when we were in small group together and didn't know you very well I thought you were very kind, sensitive, innocent, pure, strong in your faith, and confident in who you were and what you wanted out of life and relationships. That is not to say that you are not any of these now - because you are! That is just how I viewed you then. i still view you as possessing these qualities, I just know a lot more about you than what appears on the surface ;)

Tessa: Ok. So first impression of you goes all the way back to my first memory of us meeting back in the 3rd grade. Well we were both 3rd grade rock stars and Mrs. Rhyne presented us with an assignment of what I believe was a more intellectual version of "Show-and-tell" because after all, show-and-tell is for babies, so she "upped the anty." I used the Blaque cd intro to make an unforgetable show of God knows what...I literally have no idea what I was presenting, but I knew it had to be entertaining (I was a performer even then). Well, well, well then comes along Miss Rachel Jones. I have a vivid memory of what you brought for show-and-tell. Under the disillusionment that anything could get passed me, you made a vallant attempt to pass off a Mary-kate and Ashley signature as a valid relic. This however, was definitely not the case for I owned that very same book with those very same signatures. I knew the truth. That was a fake. Whoever came up with the idea to lie to get friends was smart. Most often a friendship based on lies backfires tremendously. This friendship that we share is going to last a lifetime. As a 3rd grade girl on her own journey toward justice I did what any peace seeker whould do-I called you out on that shit. I remember walking up to you with no regard to who may over hear such a confrontation and set the record straight-you lied about your show-and-tell. I had the proof at home and was more than willing to bring it in to educate the rest of the class (and the world) that your Mary-kate and Ashley book was not the only one with personal signatures. Well, being as stubborn and pig-headed as you are, you kept your stronghold on your falsehoods. Well butter my buns and call me a biscuit. You lied again and again. When is enough, enough?! It's all a blur after that but hence a friendship was forged. Not too much has changed since then. Maybe your lies have become more lighthearted and even easier to detect. I probably let more things go and enjoy your tales. All in all my first impression of you was definitely a memorable experience.

Kaitlin: When I first met you, I thought you were really cool, but I was unsure if we would get along so well because we both had stubborn personalities and clashing beliefs.

I think this is a fun series that I will try to continue. I have known most of these people for a while and some of them my entire life. I appreciate each of these women and love the friendship they have blessed me with over the years. Hope you had some laughs like I did.
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