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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

March List

Well, I would say I accomplished almost the same amount I did for January and I had fewer items this month. I think partial blame goes to my memory and the fact I forgot I even made some of these my goals. I plan on posting my list on my fridge so I remember them next month.

1.) Stick to my health challenge (which I will share with you in my next post) This last week was the hardest with giving up caffeine for two days. I went 8 months without it, why is two days so difficult?
2.) Eat Breakfast at least twice a week (specifics are always helpful for me): I did a partial cross off as I did that for two weeks.
3.) Invite one person over for dinner each week: Completely failed this one, but does going out to eat with friends count?
4.) Try hair-up do's. I really got into wearing my hair down a lot and I now have an excuse to try new hair styles now that my hair is long.: I was really into the little bun on top of my head this month, but I did not do any crazy-cool hair-do's. Hopefully I can next month. I did cut my a few inches off though!
5.) Have a positive attitude about work. Lately anything having to do with work just puts me in a bad mood.: This is another partial because I cannot remember how my attitude has been towards work. Dang memory.
6.) Take more pictures:This was from the month of January, but as you can see from previous posts I took more pictures than I took all last year!

March List
1.) Actually watch March Madness this year or at least one game!
2.) Do a Seventeen magazine toning workout each week.
3.) Wear my hair up!
4.) No caffeine! Yes, super over-achieving here, but I think I can do it.
5.) Invite a friend over for dinner each week.
6.) Eat out less- Qdoba, we can no longer meet once a week even though I love you so much!
7.) Blog 4 times a week and participate in blog hopping events.
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