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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mi amiga's

So no one told me that the 5 months leading up to graduation would be filled with mini-mental break down moments of realizations.

Realizations of knowing you will have to say goodbye to your best friends.
Realizations of knowing you will have to pack up your entire life and move across the country.
Realizations of knowing you will have to continue to take out student loans and be forever in debt.
Realizations of knowing you will have to start over at a new school and make friends...again.

I never realized how much I took it for granted that I have always been within an hour of my best friends or in a room right next to them. The sisterhood of the traveling pants did not prepare me for this. Now, the Hills did, but they also prepared me for a butt-load of drama that I never wanted.

Excuse me, but why do they not tell you this during Freshman Orientation:
"Oh, and just so you know- those people we keep telling you are going to be your future bridesmaids and the friends you will go on awesome adventures with- yeah you will all decide to live in different states hours away from each other and will probably only see them once a year if that."

I think that's some pretty important information to share with freshman Rachel, Tessa, and Michelle. 

All of us find ourselves saying "you're leaving me" or "next year during this time we will all be in different states."

All true, but all so hard to hear. The month of April for the three of us will probably consist of a ton of tears. And let's not even talk about when we all have to say goodbye to each other. 
Let's face it besties-we're going to suffer from puffy eyes for three months!
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