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Sunday, April 22, 2012

10 Pet Peeves

1.) Un-confident people.
It drives me crazy when people do not have confidence in their selves. My parents taught me to proud of who you are, and while I still have days where my confidence is low, most of the time it is at a high level. You can only tell someone so much how awesome, beautiful/handsome, and great they are, but you have to believe it yourself to truly have confidence.

2.) People with huge ego's.
Have you ever met those people that you know are so into themselves before you even talk to them? These people drive me insane! At least be humble about your accomplishments in life instead of making everyone so annoyed with you.

3.) Truth in Jokes
There are times when jokes are funny, but there are also times when jokes contain a hidden message that can dig deep. Most of the time this is sarcasm. I am definitely guilty of this and makes me sad that I can be like this at times. I know I have hurt a lot of people with sarcasm, but after having a wonderful talk with a beautiful lady in my life she introduced me to the bad sad of sarcasm and encouraged me to stop doing it. Sometimes it still slips, but I have learned when to use sarcasm and when to not.

4.) People who step in front of me or push through me.
I am a short person so when I go to concerts that require you to stand up, it is always hard for me to see. Recently, I went to the NEEDTOBREATHE concert and three groups of people pushed me to get in front of me to see! I don't hide my emotions very well so I stared them down for most of the show. Think about the little people!

5.) Dependent People.
I am overly independent; stubborn to a point that I only ask for help if I broke something or have exhausted all my ideas. For people who instantly ask for help without trying on their own first, kill me! Doing things for yourself is empowering so go and do it!

6.) Judging eyes.
There are people who you can see judging others just with their eyes. I am sorry, but if you are going to judge someone you probably do not want to get caught so how about you try not to stare with your eyes and put that smirk on your face that makes you think you're better than others. I am also guilty of this one!

7.) Movie seat kickers.
This is usually little kids, but the worst is when it is older adults. Have some respect!

8.) Bad Customer Service.
I work in a restaurant and I understand it is hard to deal with people all day, but it is still your job to be pleasant and treat others how you would want to be treated.

9.) Bad Tippers
Since I work in a restaurant, I understand what goes on with a server during a shift. Sometimes they have had an awful day or something bad is going on in their family. It makes me so mad when people tip badly because she was not enthusiastic enough for them. Take a second and put yourself in their shoes. Oh, and if you do not tip at least 15%, then never go out to restaurant ever again!

10.) Ageism.
Just because you are older does not mean you are better than me. I understand you have been living longer, but each person's life is different. You cannot say yours is more difficult than mine or that you have a better understanding of things than I do. Sometimes you might, but other times I may just have it better together than you.
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  1. Kudos to you for being confident so much of the time! That's something I still struggle with...but I think a little bit of doubt is normal when you're stepping into a new situation.
    And bad tippers? Bad tippers always stink!

  2. I definitely agree about having a little bit of doubt when stepping into new situations. I guess I struggle more with people who constantly seek compliments. I just wish they would be confident and not need the constant affirmation.
