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Friday, April 13, 2012

What are 5 passions I have

1.) Purity
In middle school, my mother insisted I attend the purity retreat at church and I wanted nothing to do with it. I was in 8th grade and hanging out with friends who did not encourage me spiritually so I was learning the idea of rebellion. Well, since I cannot drive, I was forced to go and was mad about it the whole time. By the end of the retreat, my eyes were re-awakened to God and I began to have a craving to learn all that I could about purity. I guess maybe I should explain my view of Purity. I am not a pure person by any means; I have made many mistakes that do not reflect this idea of purity. Purity is a beautiful thing that calls for redemption and a new start. I have spoken at 2 purity retreats and both have taught me that being pure does not just mean being abstinent. While that may be an aspect of it, it also means having pure thoughts, hearts, and words. It also allows for forgiveness. I could go on for hours and would love to talk to any of you about purity and its beauty. Just ask!

2.) Youth
High school showed me the love for middle school students. Maybe it is because I had a really rough time in middle school, but I loved the attitude of middle school students. They are honest, blunt, and easily influenced, but they are smart, endearing, and have a craving for knowledge. It has been a while since I have helped with youth activities, but I plan to add it back into my life in the near future.

3.) Music
I am a singer and musician. Since I was little, I have been writing songs. Yes, most of the time they are ridiculous, but I love creating tunes and imagining them becoming a number one hit on the radio. I do not like singing in front of people often because of insecurities, but I love singing and if I sing in front of you it means I like you. Playing guitar has also become my passion. It is so much fun to play a tune and sing along at the same time.

4.) Creativity
Thanks to the website Pinterest I have found my creative side. I love being crafty and making things from objects I have or find. Pinterest has inspired my creativity and has had me creating numerous artworks with paintings, jewelry, and so much more!

5.) Family
For some odd reason, I have always desired a big family. I always say I am going to have 8 kids and while I do hope this happens, I also know it is a big responsibility to take on. My family is growing now and I have added friends into the family mix. I am excited to see what life holds for my family and for me!
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