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Monday, April 23, 2012

Confession Time

There is something about sharing honest thoughts, beliefs, and opinions with people that just get conversations rolling. So I thought why not have some posts filled with honest confessions of mine or others.

Confession: I am boy-crazy.

I am sure most girls can relate to this, but I need to be honest here. For some reason, I hold this thought that I have to constantly be looking out for my future husband or next boyfriend. I feel like I am on a roller coaster at times with how I feel about guys. Some days I am completely alright with being single and enjoying the time God is allowing me to discover myself. Other days I just wish God would show me that guy He chose for me. It seems like it is a race and I am losing it. I'm only 21, but right and left people my age are getting engaged and marry so it seems as if the pressure is on at times.

I hit my low point this past week. I blame it on Facebook and it's ridiculous amount of ads, but really I am to blame. I saw a friend had clicked on Match.com and I have always had this curiosity about dating websites, not to try them for myself but to see why so many people join them. Well, I clicked on the ad and then found myself filling out a profile. It was free to look, but you had to pay to communicate with other profiles. What was I thinking! This was my low point for sure.

The next day on Facebook I saw a status that said, "Maybe if I stop looking, it will find me." The status hit me hard and I un-subscribed from the Match.com facebook site and any other relationship type of site. This time is supposed to be me preparing myself for the future with someone and to discover so much about me. Why can I not just be satisfied with being single? I want to be able to enjoy the time by myself and learn more about who God created.

Does any one else feel the pressure to find the "one" like I do? Maybe it is just me, but I want to beat this pressure and try to really understand the purpose of singleness and the blessings that come with it. Let's help each other enjoy this time in life. 
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