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Monday, April 16, 2012

10 People Who Have Influenced Me and Why

1.) Mom
My mother is British and has stayed in America for our family So many times I can see that she longs to be closer to home, but she constantly puts all of us first before herself. She is also that mother that I hope to be. She comforts you when you do not want it and lets you fight your own battles when you want her to. Yes, that sounds horrible, but it has been such a blessing over the years. She has taught me when I need to accept comfort and shown me how to stand strong. I also get a lot of my blunt honesty from her and I believe that is a characteristic the defines me. Thanks to her I have learned what it means to stand your ground in a storm. Love you mom!

2.) Dad
 My father and I share a lot in common; not only physical characteristics, but also how we think and observe life. He is such a great spiritual leader as well; he is the man who continues to rely on God and trusts Him in all things. I strive to be like him in this way, but I am so appreciative that he can be the strong one when we all feel like giving up. My dad also has never given up on his dream of music. He continues to play every chance he does and allows his music to be his gift from God. I could go on forever about either of my parents, but there simply is not enough time in a day.

3.) Nanie
This lady is my wonderful grandmother. I like to call her my best friend because she and I can get in so much trouble together which is rare for a grandparent and granddaughter relationship. This woman has shown me how to stick with your gut and get a laugh out of almost every situation possible, even the bad and ugly times. 

4.) Natalie
My lovely sister has always been that person I know I can trust. It took till we were both older to really understand our relationships as sisters, but over the last several years I have found such a confidant with my sister. While my parents may not like this, my sister has also showed me independence and how to take responsibility for your actions. She has always chosen her path and stayed strong on it which I love. My sister showed me how to love yourself and be proud of yourself in all you do.

5.) Geoffrey
He would never know this, but my brother has always been someone who has held me accountable. When I think about doing something, I often think about how my decision will affect him or encourage him. He has also been that person I can completely goof off with or fight with. In the end, he always loves me and I know he cares even if he does not show it.

6.) Becca
Becca was my discipleship coordinator during my leadership role sophomore year of college and she is a women I truly admire and desire to be like. She is a woman who relies on the Lord and it is evident in her walk. Her influence has helped me trust God in times I did not want.

7.) Roommates
These ladies have been with me through the good, the bad, and the ugly. They constantly questions my actions and call me out when I need it. Both also encourage me everyday. Without them, I probably would make a lot of bad choices because I would not have them to bring me back to the reality of a situation. They have also showed me God in so many ways. Their walks encourage me to be stronger on mine. They also keep me laughing and seeing the good in life!

8.) Chris
He was my youth leader in high school and he allowed me to find a passion with middle school students that I never knew existed. He has also been a great representation on what it means to be a Christian that walks in faith everyday. Not only has he influenced me, but he was a strong influence on our family during the roughest time in our life. He also allowed my brother, mom, and I to share in the middle school program together.

9.) Mr. Davis
He was my substitute teacher during English class my sophomore year and was such a real person. He was open to sharing about his life whether it was the positive or negative. For some odd reason, he always stayed in the back of my head and helped me remember to be true to yourself and keep pushing on through life. 

10.) Izza
My beautiful camp friend! She impacted me so much while I was in Washington and was one of the reasons I was able to survive the whole summer. We bonded so quickly that she felt like a friend I knew my whole life. Her honesty and uniqueness reminds me every day to be secure in myself.

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