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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

5 Weaknesses I have

This is my least favorite interview question: Tell me three weaknesses you have.
Really? Who wants to name three things about themselves that they really do not like? Now I have to give you five!

Oh, well. I'll just suck it up; however, I like to say to always turn your weaknesses into a positive so I will most likely put a positive spin on it!

1.) Impatient. I am the worst at patience! Living with people really tests this a lot and I have become better over the years, but I am still bad at it. I love being five minutes early or right on time to things, but my roommates are the kind of people who like to show up fashionably late. It drives me crazy! I usually will be sitting in the living room while they are doing their last minute stuff and I start to keep myself occupied so I do not just get up and leave without them. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 is my favorite bible verse and I want to practice all those ways of love and the "love is patient" part kills me. I want it now, not in ten minute or 100 years!

2.) Emotional. Wow! If you ever meet me, be prepared for water works. Crying is how I express everything. If I'm mad, sad, happy, laughing, or frustrated there will be tears. But here is why my crying can be a good thing: 
"Tears are words the heart can't say."
"Crying doesn't indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive."

3.) Blunt. While I appreciate this quality about me, I also despise it at times. Sometimes I just blurt out whatever I am thinking and do not think of the hurt my words can do. If you want honesty, then I will give it to you, but be prepared for the jab my words will carry. 

4.) Liar. This is going to sound horrible, but I am a really good liar. I am the perfect person to keep surprise birthday parties a surprise because I think of the perfect made up story or lie. Now, let me clarify. I do not lie all the time. I have actually been trying to practice being 100% honest. In my Social Psychology class this semester, I have learned that lying is the lazy thing to do, but speaking truth is the strong thing to do. It may hurt, but it is better than hurting someone by being untruthful.

5.) Reading my Bible. I will read any other book before my Bible. Therefore, I go very many days without reading it. If I was to keep track, it has probably been about two months since I have read it for any other reason than class. Every summer I get really good at reading it on a daily basis, but the school year usually kicks me out of the habit. Really, I kick myself out, but I like putting the blame on school. I am supposed to read through the whole Bible for a list of things to do before I graduate so I guess I better get going on that.

There I said it! Now you know five of my weaknesses.; please don't judge me!

Here are some quotes that I have been loving!

"Don't be afraid to give yourself everything you've ever wanted in life."

"Don't give up what you want most for what you want now."

"Sometimes you need to walk alone just to show that you can."

"Those who are hardest to love need it most."

"At all costs, you must love what you do."
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